RSSToday in the History of Cebu


| July 17, 2024

1901 The Philippine Commission passes Public Act. No. 173 which places under the military authorities the government insurgency in these areas. Civil government in Cebu was organized by the Commission on April 18, 1901. Military rule was lifted on Jan. 1, 1902. 1905 The first artesian well is drilled in Cebu.

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| July 16, 2024

1948 Arsenio Villanueva takes his oath of office as the first appointed Vice-Mayor of Cebu under Republic Act. No. 244, which provides for the appointment of the vice-mayor by the Philippine President.

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| July 15, 2024

1900 The residents of Aloguinsan, Cebu, through their Junta popular, register a formal protest against the American occupation of their town. On this same day, the government grants recognition to the Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion as a normal school with the right to grant academic titles. This school was opened in 1880.

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| July 14, 2024

1893 Birth in Bogo, Cebu of Buenaventura Rodriguez (1893-1941), Cebu representative and governor and foremost Cebuano dramatist. 1907 Kauswagan, a Cebuano newspaper published in San Nicolas makes its first appearance.

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| July 13, 2024

1906 The pulahanes under the Tabal brothers surrender to Governor Sergio Osmeña in ceremonies in Guadalupe, Cebu. Thus ended the anti-American pulahan resistance in the province of Cebu.

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| July 12, 2024

1903 Gregorio Aglipay speaks at Plaza Rizal during a public rally which formally launches the Aglipayan movement in Cebu. 1952 A peace conference on board the presidential yacht, “Apo,” presided over by President Elpidio Quirino, brings together the feuding Sergio Osmeña, Jr., and Mariano Jesus Cuenco for reconciliation. The meeting brings about a truce of […]

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| July 11, 2024

1949 In the course of a highly-charged political campaign, Nacionalista Party presidential candidate Jose P. Laurel is cut short in a public speech when gunfire disperses the crowd gathered at an NP rally in Plaza Independencia, Cebu City.

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| July 10, 2024

1900 The residents of Ronda, Cebu through their town council, register a formal protest against the American occupation of their town. 1934 Delegates to the Constitutional Convention are elected. The convention itself was to meet for its inaugural session in Manila on July 30, 1934.

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| July 9, 2024

1909 Death at the age of 48 of Mariano Albao Cuenco (1861-1909), publisher-writer and father of such prominent Cuencos as Mariano Jesus and Jose Maria. 1942 The first issue of Japanese organ Visayan Shinbun (1942-1944) comes out. Its editor is Napoleon Dejoras. 1961 Gen. Douglas MacArthur returns to Cebu City in the course of a […]

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| July 8, 2024

1863 Toledo is confirmed as a parish by a decree of the Bishop. Formerly called Jinulauan, it was established by the royal decree on February 24, 1863.

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